

How do you make science teaching more appealing? By bringing in the fun factor with a fresh, contemporary brand that ignites readers’ curiosity.

We carried out a constructive review and appraisal of Wonderstruck’s previous website and provided recommendations on how the website’s functionality could be improved to make it more user-friendly and intuitive for modern audiences. We then produced a revised logo system and brand refresh to emphasise Wonderstruck’s USP of making science fun.

A few spot illustrations were produced such as exploding teddy bears and bottle rockets in a cartoon style to showcase the personality of the brand and create a sense of individuality and anarchic fun.

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Web design

Web development


Illustrated icons

To ensure the sense of individuality a few spot illustrations were produced. Exploding teddy bears and bottle rockets in a cartoon style put additional emphasis on the personality of the brand.

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How do you make science teaching more appealing? By bringing in the fun factor with a fresh, contemporary brand that ignites readers’ curiosity.

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